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Community Guidelines

These guidelines outline what we expect from our users and help maintain a positive environment for everyone

Filipinos2Meet is meant to be a fun, friendly and safe place for you to connect with other people like yourself. We expect users to conduct themselves respectfully and responsibly when communicating with others. We don't accept abuse or offensiveness in any form, and such behavior will result in removal from our website.

When you sign up for Filipino Online Dating on Filipinos2Meet, you are encouraged to add a Photo to your profile. However, you may find that your photo is rejected when it is sent to us for approval. Here are some of the top reasons why a Photo will be rejected and how to avoid them:


Your messages have been blocked automatically by our system because…

When communicating with others, you're free to talk through the Filipinos2Meet site. The following is a list of what don't allow:

●  Never attempt to divert people to external websites, Messenger, web-cam, email or phone numbers, - this will result in a permanent ban

●  No requests for money or offering money

●  Never use the “copy and paste” method of messaging where all your messages are the same. Our system detects this behaviour as spam

Your message contains spam, links, or other website names. If you’re promoting your goods/services, you will be removed from Filipinos2Meet

●  No abuse, threats or harassment of any kind

●  No sexual or immoral talk that runs against the values of this community - please keep it clean

●  We don’t permit nude, sexually explicit, or sexually vulgar profile content. We also don’t allow the commercial exchange of any romantic or sexual activity, content, or services, including attempts to sell, advertise, or buy adult sexual content.

●  No scamming, or attempts to deceive or manipulate

●  No soliciting of business or promoting services


Bad users

We do our best to keep bad users out, but it is possible that you will come across someone who doesn't play by the rules.

Help us keep Filipinos2Meet community clean for everyone's benefit by reporting such users to our moderation team. To report someone, select the report user option from the menu on the user's profile page.


PHOTO Policy

Content: Photos can only include you. We’re glad you have friends and family, but we want your matches to see who you are!

Here are some tips for choosing the best Photos:

  Clear Photos. Make sure your Photo is clear, not blurry or covered by shadows

●  Close-Up. Make sure the photo you upload is a close-up or headshot, not a picture taken at a distance

●  Posing. Upright, smiling, in front of a pleasant view or background. Your matches will be more likely to respond if you look casual yet engaged. Not slouching in your couch

Keep it Current. Your Photos should have been taken recently. Posting old high school photos may confuse matches who are trying to get to know you as you are now. No one wants to feel catfished


Here are some reasons for Photo rejection:

If a Photo isn’t yours and you don’t have permission to use, don’t add it

No Photos that don't show your face or that make it impossible to know that it's really you

No email addresses, social media handles or telephone numbers in your Photos or description

Photo is blurry or you are not visible

You are wearing sunglasses – Sunglasses do add a bit of sophistication to a photo, but they also obscure your face

Photo contains nudity

No nudity or overly suggestive photos

Photo is provocative or pornographic

We have a zero tolerance policy towards any form of child sexual exploitation and abuse. We don’t allow content that sexualizes or endangers children, real or fictional (e.g. anime, media, text, illustrations, or digital images). This includes any visual depictions or discussions of sexually explicit conduct involving a child. For the purposes of this policy, a child is anyone under the age of 18. It’s prohibited to upload, store, produce, share, or entice anyone to share child sexual abuse material, even if the intent is to express outrage or raise awareness about this issue

No ambiguous group Photos

Your kids are totally cute, but they can’t be on your profile Photo unless you are in the Photo, too

Photo contains a child alone or children by themselves

No Photos of unaccompanied children

No Photos of unaccompanied pets

Photo is of a pet, object, scenery etc

Photo contains personal or identifying information (names, addresses, phone numbers, social media username, etc.)

Photo has been altered in a way that significantly changes your appearance

Photo depicts an illegal act or activity

Photo contains vulgar symbols, gestures, or gang signs/colors

Photo contains a dead animal (other than a fish)

No Photos of any type of illegal activity. That means no pictures of drug usage or abusive and obscene behavior

No solicitations! That means no coupons or special offers on your profile

Photos with no people will be removed


All of the above restrictions, with the exception of copyright will be accepted



This one can tie in with Impersonation. Scammers love to impersonate other people, to lull people into a false sense of security in order to get close to them and ask for services or financial help. Filipinos2Meet has a zero-policy rule on scammers, and if caught, are immediately and permanently banned from Filipinos2Meet. Take your time, think with clarity, and never rush into anything.

In addition, scammers often attempt to have you communicate off Filipinos2Meet so that they can operate outside of our jurisdiction. Never send anything to people that ask for it, regardless of how emotional their stories or claims are - a dating site is never the place to seek help. Be smart and report these accounts to us.

User profiles

Feel free to make your profile as serious or fun as you want. However, there are a few things we don't allow:

●  No swearing or inappropriate language

●  No nudity or overly suggestive photos

●  No ambiguous group photos

●  No photos of unaccompanied children

●  No photos of unaccompanied pets

●  No photos that don't show your face or that make it impossible to know that it's really you

●  No email addresses, social media handles or telephone numbers in your description

●  No aggressive content, violence, or weapons

●  No soliciting of business or promoting services

●  We have a zero tolerance policy towards any form of child sexual exploitation and abuse. We don’t allow content that sexualizes or endangers children, real or fictional (e.g. anime, media, text, illustrations, or digital images). This includes any visual depictions or discussions of sexually explicit conduct involving a child. For the purposes of this policy, a child is anyone under the age of 18. It’s prohibited to upload, store, produce, share, or entice anyone to share child sexual abuse material, even if the intent is to express outrage or raise awareness about this issue

Bad users

We do our best to keep bad users out, but it is possible that you will come across someone who doesn't play by the rules.

Help us keep Filipinos2Meet community clean for everyone's benefit by reporting such users to our moderation team. To report someone, select the report user option from the menu on the user's profile page.